Forum Message

Topic: Stop the Duke please.
Posted by: Vanessa Smith
Date/Time: 26/07/21 14:13:00

Please see the link to the petition against the Duke of Northumberland's estate building over the Park Road allotments. We believe the second planning application will be going to Hounslow's planning committee in the near future, already over a 1000 individual letters of objection have been sent to Hounslow, we would like this petition to reach 3000. The estate had their first application refused by Hounslow's planning cttee. and then subsequently thrown out by the planning inspector at a public inquiry in 2018. The inspector's ruling was that the whole area should reamin as local open space, but the Northumberland estate has not given up the plan to build 80+ dwellings in the middle of the Riverside Conservation Area. Apart from the allotment plots this area is rich in biodiversity where wildlife, insects and flora flourish and the site is adjacent to the ancient churchyard of All Saints which provides a pathway to an additional wildlife haven.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Stop the Duke please.26/07/21 14:13:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:Stop the Duke please.27/07/21 09:22:00 Tim Henderson
   Re:Stop the Duke please.30/07/21 11:56:00 Philippa Egan

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