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Topic: Re:Re:Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?
Posted by: Maria Hastings
Date/Time: 16/07/21 20:49:00

I agree. Kew Gardens not in Brentford but can be seen from across the River Thames. Johns the estate agent within Barrymore hasn’t done any favours to Brentford in it’s marketing. Pictures of other parts of London and young models. Nothing about Brentford’s history and numerous Gardens and open spaces , squares  not lanes. Promote Brentford not Chiswick Kew or Richmond.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?05/07/21 19:10:00 Sharon Trevor
   Re:Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?06/07/21 11:43:00 Raymond Havelock
      Re:Re:Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?09/07/21 20:06:00 Eric Baker
      Re:Re:Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?16/07/21 20:49:00 Maria Hastings
         Re:Re:Re:Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?17/07/21 05:59:00 Nicholas Beard

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