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Topic: Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?
Posted by: Sharon Trevor
Date/Time: 05/07/21 19:10:00

Just been reading the post dated 30th June, from the new estate agents. Yes, makes for interesting reading, and highlights some of our local attractions, but misses out on one very important attraction - Syon House & Gardens? There is indeed a photograph of the majestic Syon House, but with information underneath about the beautiful Kew Gardens! Maybe Johns &Co, need another walk around Brentford?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?05/07/21 19:10:00 Sharon Trevor
   Re:Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?06/07/21 11:43:00 Raymond Havelock
      Re:Re:Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?09/07/21 20:06:00 Eric Baker
      Re:Re:Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?16/07/21 20:49:00 Maria Hastings
         Re:Re:Re:Johns &Co ..24 hours in Brentford. What about Syon Park?17/07/21 05:59:00 Nicholas Beard

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