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Topic: Re:Ferry Wharf habitat lost
Posted by: Cathy Jones
Date/Time: 26/05/21 14:41:00

Totally agree.  I was shocked to see this little haven of wildness destroyed.  It may have looked a bit of a mess but that's why it was so important - there were loads of birds using the area and so many wildflowers blooming.  All very well for rowing access to the Thames but at what cost when yet another little site for nature gets lost in the process.  The Keene Group are waiting for formal retrospective planning permission to be granted and I hope replanting even small amounts of wildflowers along it's fences is made a condition of planning being granted.  Rubble and wire fencing is not a great look.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Ferry Wharf habitat lost24/05/21 20:39:00 Rosemary Ward
   Re:Ferry Wharf habitat lost26/05/21 14:41:00 Cathy Jones
      Re:Re:Ferry Wharf habitat lost26/05/21 18:17:00 Guy Lambert

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