Forum Message

Topic: Ferry Wharf habitat lost
Posted by: Rosemary Ward
Date/Time: 24/05/21 20:39:00

It's good to see some rowing for children come to Brentford with Team Keene, but I have been saddened by the destruction of the lovely nature haven at Ferry Wharf. Sites of cowslips and violets covered by ugly mounds of rubble etc. One of the Keene group I spoke to when they were setting up said they would leave the flowers and wildlife areas untouched ...disappointing to see that hasn't happened. It was such a peaceful haven, especially during lockdown.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Ferry Wharf habitat lost24/05/21 20:39:00 Rosemary Ward
   Re:Ferry Wharf habitat lost26/05/21 14:41:00 Cathy Jones
      Re:Re:Ferry Wharf habitat lost26/05/21 18:17:00 Guy Lambert

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