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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 21/11/20 09:22:00

The variables are indeed very wide.  As a child, Brentford was a filthy highly industrial area in decline.  I arrived as the decline was accelerating so it was more dingy, but even in the late 1970s, the river was a no-go area. With a few exceptions, the industrialised riverside was not a place anyone wanted to go near or live by or near.
All the way from Kingston to the estuary.  Highly polluted and full of power stations, gas works, factories and distilleries, heavier industries.

It stank at low tide and did not ever smell enticing at high tide. Nothing much lived in it. Now we have almost daily sightings of seals and fish and rarer birds.

Health issues were very common in people of all ages and life expectancy short.
Most people living along the river were poorer, Brenfford housing reflects that.

They may be popular and desirable now but just 40 years ago it was a last resort location and many houses were condemned by Hounslow in the mid 1970s by the housing act. Mould, lead pipes, cold water, no insulation, rising damp, dry rot, outside loos no bathrooms blighted the area right into the early 1980s.    Hard to imagine now.

In just 50-60 years this has completely changed and local people who have been born and bred here are living much longer and in far better health for much longer. Many industrial related illnesses are now unheard of.

Those statistics are properly recorded unlike the hypothetical modelled data being passed as fact by the likes of the GLA, TfL and other Authorities and used to scaremonger and for political gain. It's easier than doing things properly.

So how and what you ask in questions needs far more than falling into the trap of loaded questions to get the answer you want.

Questions need to relate and ask the right things to get a clear honest illustration.

That's hard work and something that does not always bring the desired answers.

Be brave enough to buck the trend and be more inquisitive and you're on to a winner. Good luck for the next one.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 01/11/20 10:52:00 Gabriella Slater
   Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 11/11/20 12:41:00 Nicholas Beard
      Re:Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 12/11/20 11:34:00 Jennifer Selig
         Re:Re:Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 12/11/20 12:22:00 Eric Baker
         Re:Re:Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 12/11/20 18:21:00 Nicholas Beard
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 19/11/20 15:28:00 Jeremy Parkinson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 20/11/20 18:12:00 John Dickinson
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 21/11/20 09:22:00 Raymond Havelock
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 22/11/20 11:25:00 Eric Baker
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 27/11/20 19:36:00 John Dickinson
                        Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 27/11/20 20:33:00 Philippa Bond
                           Re:Re:Air Pollution and Health in Brentford 01/12/20 05:50:00 Nicholas Beard

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