Forum Message

Topic: Re:Third Runway
Posted by: Tim Henderson
Date/Time: 03/05/20 10:20:00

On 30th April the CAA launched a new short 3 week (emergency) consultation


Economic regulation of Heathrow: programme update

This document provides an update on our programme for the development of the economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited (“HAL”) in the light of the very significant uncertainties brought about by:

> the severe impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the aviation sector as a whole and passenger numbers at Heathrow airport;
> the Court of Appeal’s decision setting aside the Airports National Policy Statement; and
> HAL’s subsequent decision to pause its programme for expanding Heathrow airport.

It outlines our proposals for changing our overall approach to developing the regulatory regime for HAL in the light of these developments."

The clear focus is on a 2 runway airport (at least for the short term).

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Third Runway28/04/20 18:59:00 Christopher Hugh Dakers
   Re:Third Runway28/04/20 19:35:00 Peter Richardson
      Re:Re:Third Runway28/04/20 19:51:00 Raymond Havelock
      Re:Re:Third Runway04/05/20 09:01:00 Nicholas Beard
   Re:Third Runway29/04/20 10:10:00 Tim Henderson
   Re:Third Runway03/05/20 10:20:00 Tim Henderson

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