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Topic: Re:Third Runway
Posted by: Tim Henderson
Date/Time: 29/04/20 10:10:00

Heathrow hasn't made any further announcement since the statement directly after the Court of Appeal decision on Feb 27th. But I'd agree that the chances are slim for any timely progress with R3.

“The Court of Appeal dismissed all appeals against the government – including on “noise” and “air quality” – apart from one which is eminently fixable. We will appeal to the Supreme Court on this one issue and are confident that we will be successful.
In the meantime, we are ready to work with the Government to fix the issue that the court has raised. Heathrow has taken a lead in getting the UK aviation sector to commit to a plan to get to Net Zero emissions by 2050, in line with the Paris Accord.
Expanding Heathrow, Britain’s biggest port and only hub, is essential to achieving the Prime Minister’s vision of Global Britain. We will get it done the right way, without jeopardising the planet’s future. Let’s get Heathrow done.”

The Planning Inspectorate site

also hasn't updated its status from

"The application is expected to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate Q4 2020." 

which is unbelievably optimistic considering that the additional consultations that should have been taking place this spring/summer have been pulled.

The CAA Airspace Change Portal dealing with the related flightpath changes was updated on 8th April to record that four Heathrow projects had been "paused".For example the Independent Parallel Approaches change to give added resilience and a potential extra 25,000 flights a year with 2 runways states "This ACP has been paused whilst we consider the implications of both the Court of Appeal’s judgement on Heathrow Expansion and the unprecedented impacts of the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak."

Nevertheless, the CAA is still progressing with its consultation on the criteria it should use to assess the Masterplan for changing airspace to accommodate the Airports National Policy Statement (which the Court found unlawful)! The closing date for comments has been extended to almost the end of May.

Moody's recently issued an update note following their change in outlook rating for Heathrow Finance plc to negative which raised questions about coronavirus implications and mentioned expansion

"...However the approval process linked to the third runway experienced a significant setback in February 2020, when the Court of Appeal ruled against the plan to build the runway due to the fact that the UK government did not take into account, in its NPS and the associated decision to support LHR’s expansion, its commitments to climate change objectives included in the Paris Agreement. Heathrow appealed the court ruling with the Supreme Court and a decision on whether such appeal is admissible is expected in the next few weeks. These developments cast significant uncertainties over the future and timing of LHR’s expansion, as the UK government would also need to re-assess, amend or withdraw the NPS, leading to further delays in the project or, at the extreme, a full reconsideration or withdrawal of Heathrow’s expansion plans."

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Third Runway28/04/20 18:59:00 Christopher Hugh Dakers
   Re:Third Runway28/04/20 19:35:00 Peter Richardson
      Re:Re:Third Runway28/04/20 19:51:00 Raymond Havelock
      Re:Re:Third Runway04/05/20 09:01:00 Nicholas Beard
   Re:Third Runway29/04/20 10:10:00 Tim Henderson
   Re:Third Runway03/05/20 10:20:00 Tim Henderson

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