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Topic: Re:CPZ Permit change - More proof it's just a money spinner for the Council
Posted by: Nicholas Beard
Date/Time: 24/04/20 12:22:00

Introduce something at a low price and ramp it up year after year. Oldest trick in the book. As for £60 being reasonable when it was zero before I dont get that at all.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
CPZ Permit change - More proof it's just a money spinner for the Council24/04/20 11:59:00 Claire Peleschka
   Re:CPZ Permit change - More proof it's just a money spinner for the Council24/04/20 12:22:00 Nicholas Beard
      Re:Re:CPZ Permit change - More proof it's just a money spinner for the Council24/04/20 14:38:00 N V Brooks

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