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Topic: CPZ Permit change - More proof it's just a money spinner for the Council
Posted by: Claire Peleschka
Date/Time: 24/04/20 11:59:00

I had a diesel car and therefore was subject to the additional £50 charge for my permit. This was despite the new diesel having significantly lower emissions than the old W reg petrol car it replaced. My permit was renewed in January and in March I changed car to a petrol, so 10 month's worth of extra charge permit was no longer valid.

So there's me thinking the Council will refund the difference. Oh, how naive of me. Not only do they not issue any sort of refund but they also charge £20 admin fee for the replacement permit.

When the CPZ came in just a few years ago I remember people on here talking about how reasonable the £60 cost was. Well my permit this year has cost me £150.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
CPZ Permit change - More proof it's just a money spinner for the Council24/04/20 11:59:00 Claire Peleschka
   Re:CPZ Permit change - More proof it's just a money spinner for the Council24/04/20 12:22:00 Nicholas Beard
      Re:Re:CPZ Permit change - More proof it's just a money spinner for the Council24/04/20 14:38:00 N V Brooks

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