Forum Message

Topic: Re:Magpie and Crown
Posted by: Tim Henderson
Date/Time: 08/07/18 08:21:00

The space in front seems to be plot 8 on the Compulsoty Purchase Order for land on the South of Brentford Hight Street.

"All interests, other than those of the acquiring authority, in 66 square metres of paved seating area and planters to the front of public house known as The Magpie and Crown, 128 High Street and part width of highway known as High Street, Brentford"

The pub building itself is coloured blue on the map(whereas the rest of the land is pink). The order does not purchase it, but does require the sale of the rights to operate the crane above it !

"The crane oversailing and works and access rights for the acquiring authority and its lessees, licensees, successors in title, assigns and all such persons they may authorise, in 232 square metres of commercial premises known as The Magpie and Crown Public House, 128 High Street, Brentford"

Interesting to see if it can continue operation while it is surrounded as a building site !

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Magpie and Crown08/07/18 00:04:00 Christopher Gillie
   Re:Magpie and Crown08/07/18 07:08:00 Neil Chippendale
      Re:Re:Magpie and Crown08/07/18 08:31:00 Jim Storrar
         Re:Re:Re:Magpie and Crown17/09/18 22:23:00 David Rickmann
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Magpie and Crown17/09/18 22:27:00 David Rickmann
   Re:Magpie and Crown08/07/18 08:21:00 Tim Henderson
      Re:Re:Magpie and Crown08/07/18 08:28:00 Tim Henderson
         Re:Re:Re:Magpie and Crown08/07/18 23:17:00 jason akin
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Magpie and Crown10/07/18 10:19:00 Raymond Havelock
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Magpie and Crown15/07/18 19:18:00 Christopher Gillie

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