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Posted by: Philippa Bond
Date/Time: 15/01/18 18:26:00

The Daily Mail is busy getting its knickers in a twist about this.  You don't need to.  I don't know where the note came from but I would expect a bigger and better announcement from the Council if they were going to change their collection including info on the website and that hasn't changed.  LBH like many other Councils are collecting black plastic rigid tubs and trays in the recycling collection. 

There has been a difficulty with the optical scanners reading black plastic but WRAP has been working to find a dye scanners don't have difficulty with. There is more than one type of black plastic anyway. Technology changes all the time. 

Unless the Council says otherwise officially just give them what they ask for and let them get on with it. 

They have most definitely asked that film (ie non-rigid plastic - carrier bags - bread and vegetable bags - and peel-off film lids from containers etc are NOT included in the KERBSIDE collection) which really is not difficult but
still some people cannot deal with that change - yet products, markets and machinery constantly change.

There is a big problem with heavy and pushy marketing which tries its luck and puts so much unnecessary packaging on the market and into our homes and then it is left up to us and the Councils to dispose of it. On the Continent you can leave excess packaging at the tills/at the shop. In Ireland they have been trialling that but it would be even better if we all could easily buy goods with less.  In 2006 the then Minister told us to leave our excess packaging at the till.  We don't protest enough and so are complicit in giving ourselves this packaging waste mountain.

Many people decide of their own volition not to buy all the packaging or difficult to recycle packaging by buying their fruit and vegetables from the greengrocer and meat from the butcher where you can often take your own container - or you are given it in a small plastic bag rather than a container. You can often also buy meals that you can slide out of silver foil and cardboard packaging into a piedish to heat in the microwave - if you have a microwave lifestyle.


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TopicDate PostedPosted By
BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS15/01/18 09:59:00 Jennifer Selig
   Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS15/01/18 10:10:00 Sarah Felstead
      Re:Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS15/01/18 14:59:00 Jennifer Selig
         Re:Re:Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS15/01/18 18:15:00 Iain Muir
            Re:Re:Re:Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS15/01/18 18:22:00 Jennifer Selig
         Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS15/01/18 18:26:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS17/01/18 12:02:00 Sarah Thomas
      Re:Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS17/01/18 15:00:00 Sarah Felstead
         Re:Re:Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS17/01/18 15:12:00 Sarah Thomas
         Re:Re:Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS17/01/18 15:30:00 Philippa Bond
            Re: Difficult to Recycle19/01/18 19:30:00 Philippa Bond
               Re:Re: Difficult to Recycle19/01/18 22:37:00 Virginia Fassnidge
                  Re:Re:Re: Difficult to Recycle/Dealing with Fat & Oil23/01/18 17:14:00 Philippa Bond
                     Re:Re:Re:Re: Difficult to Recycle/Dealing with Fat & Oil09/03/18 17:54:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS11/03/18 20:23:00 Guy Lambert
      Re:Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS13/03/18 12:38:00 Jennifer Selig
         Re:Re:Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS13/03/18 12:50:00 Guy Lambert
            Re:Re:Re:Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS18/03/18 17:46:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS19/03/18 07:32:00 Andy Herrick
      Re:Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS19/03/18 12:02:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS19/03/18 16:21:00 Philippa Bond
      Re:Re:BLACK PLASTIC FOOD POTS/TRAYS20/03/18 22:42:00 Philippa Bond
         Glass Prices23/03/18 14:02:00 Philippa Bond
            Re: Textile Bank Scams:  Textiles are valuable24/03/18 10:10:00 Philippa Bond

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