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Topic: Re:Royal Horse Guardsman - breach of planning control hearing
Posted by: Adam Beamish
Date/Time: 19/09/17 18:14:00

Just to avoid any confusion, I think it would be useful to point out that this doesn't mean a 'hearing' as the OP suggests.

Effectively this is a notification from Officers to Members and third parties that they are intending to take enforcement action.  Back in my day to issue an enforcement notice you had a write a report recommending issuing such a notice which I would then present to the Area Committee and they would discuss it and decide whether or not to agree to enforce.

Now such notices can be issued under delegated powers, i.e. without needing to be individually referred to committee, but by circulating the pending decisions list Members have an opportunity to call-in any matter should they wish to do so.

As I've said before on this particular issue, quite frankly what Joe Bloggs says is pretty irrelevant to the key issue, as if the structure requires planning permission then there's little doubt that any enforcement notice will be upheld on appeal.

However, without going back through the previous debate, and admittedly what I see from ground level, based on my professional knowledge of the relevant regs I am still doubtful that it isn't permitted development (which has no regard for aesthetics) and I can only assume/hope LBH has got the benefit of Counsel opinion on this - because I strongly suspect any enforcement notice will be appealed and LBH will need to present a strong defence of its notice to avoid a potential costs application.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Royal Horse Guardsman - breach of planning control hearing19/09/17 13:53:00 Catherine Jones
   Re:Royal Horse Guardsman - breach of planning control hearing19/09/17 18:14:00 Adam Beamish

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