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Topic: Royal Horse Guardsman - breach of planning control hearing
Posted by: Catherine Jones
Date/Time: 19/09/17 13:53:00

One of our neighbours has heard from Marilyn Smith, Interim Chief Planning Officer to her letter of 21 March about the masts erected on top of the Royal Horseguards. The body of the letter is below. You'll see she suggests contacting your ward councillors if you wish to comment. Immediate action needed if you want your views heard.

Pending Decision List Week 38: 22nd September – 29th September 2017
Address: The Royal Horse Guardsman 23 Ealing Road Brentford TW8 0JU
Breach of planning control: The installation of telecommunications apparatus on the roof of the property

The Council is now considering issuing a planning enforcement notice relating to the above land, which relates to the installation of telecommunications apparatus on the roof of the property.

An enforcement notice is served on all freeholders, lessees, mortgagees and other persons having a material interest in the property. Failure to comply with an enforcement notice is an offence that may result in a fine of up to £20,000 upon conviction in the Magistrate’s Court, and an unlimited fine if convicted by the Crown Court. An enforcement notice is also entered on the Local Land Charges records, which could make the future sale or financing of the  conviction in the Magistrate’s Court, and an unlimited fine if convicted by the Crown Court.
Please note that the above planning enforcement case has been added to the weekly pending decisions list which is sent to all Councillors and other relevant parties (see:

This list provides an opportunity for Councillors to consider, call in and comment on in respect of cases where it is expected that authority will be sought to serve enforcement notices in the near future.

If you wish to comment on this case whilst it is on this list please send your comments to your ward Councillors.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Royal Horse Guardsman - breach of planning control hearing19/09/17 13:53:00 Catherine Jones
   Re:Royal Horse Guardsman - breach of planning control hearing19/09/17 18:14:00 Adam Beamish

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