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Topic: Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!
Posted by: Sarah Felstead
Date/Time: 10/11/10 10:11:00

Don't you think that lighting is such a beautiful art form, Jim?  All this new technology!  There is a lighting show room on the estate where Screw fix is, off Ealing Road - hope this works

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Go into the park - round the corner past screwfix and the electrical wholesale/warehouse is tucked there.  They have a walk along wall of lighting on display.

Bet they do designs for shops if Goddards ask them ........

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!01/11/10 13:18:00 Sarah Felstead
   Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!01/11/10 14:43:00 Sarah Felstead
      Re:Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!01/11/10 15:14:00 Kath Richardson
         Re:Re:Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!01/11/10 17:39:00 Emma Rowlatt
            Re:Re:Re:Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!01/11/10 19:57:00 Ian Speed
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!05/11/10 19:23:00 Neil Chippendale
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!06/11/10 15:08:00 Jim Lawes
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!06/11/10 17:40:00 Sarah Felstead
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!06/11/10 17:57:00 Jim Lawes
                           Ugly Goddards at Half Acre.10/11/10 01:53:00 Jim Lawes
   Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!10/11/10 10:11:00 Sarah Felstead
      Re:Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!10/11/10 20:29:00 Jim Lawes
         Ugly Goddards!13/11/10 00:29:00 Michael Brandt
            Re:Ugly Goddards!13/11/10 01:01:00 Lynn Clark
   Re:BBC Local news at 1.30pm is about Brentford over the past 100 years!13/11/10 19:41:00 Elizabeth Price

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