Forum Message

Topic: Schools in Brentford
Posted by: Denis M Browne
Date/Time: 27/03/10 18:24:00

Brentford TW8. COM has highlighted the problem Brentford families are having finding schools near at hand. The problem is particularly difficult for boys ready for secondary school.

This was a problem waiting to happen. And it will get worse.

Brentford has already nearly doubled in size in the last few years. Flats have been built where the land was originally intended for offices.

More flats mean more families who need more school places.

The new plans did not make provision for new schools in or near

In the last month the Council has granted planning consent for further housing at Kew Bridge, Albany House and on the former Alfa Laval site on the Great West Road. When developers have the finance to build these schemes about 500 more families will join the search for school places.

In addition the Council has already granted consent for housing on the former SmithKlein Beecham site in the Great West Road, the Thames Water site facing Watermans Park and is intending to support housing in the re-built town centre. Again, when finance is available these
development will add to the pressure for local school places.

The Brentford Community Council has repeatedly urged the Council not to expand our population until we can provide the services we need.

The Community Council will continue to press for realistic planning.

Problems like this one do not need to happen if we think ahead.

Denis Browne
Chair, Planning Consultative Committee
Brentford Community Council   

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Schools in Brentford27/03/10 18:24:00 Denis M Browne
   Re:Schools in Brentford29/03/10 23:12:00 Lisa Mercer
      Re:Re:Schools in Brentford29/03/10 23:31:00 Sarah Felstead
         Re:Re:Re:Schools in Brentford30/03/10 10:52:00 Kath Richardson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Schools in Brentford02/04/10 16:32:00 Kath Richardson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Schools in Brentford02/04/10 18:19:00 Lisa Mercer
   Re:Schools in Brentford02/04/10 20:11:00 Sarah Felstead
      Re:Re:Schools in Brentford03/04/10 09:08:00 Lisa Mercer
         Re:Re:Re:Schools in Brentford03/04/10 11:18:00 Sarah Felstead
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Schools in Brentford03/04/10 13:04:00 Vanessa Smith
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Schools in Brentford03/04/10 18:19:00 Lisa Mercer
                  3pm deadline today Tuesday06/04/10 11:25:00 Kath Richardson

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