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Topic: Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford
Posted by: Stephanie Kitsune
Date/Time: 21/10/09 10:26:00

Snakes and Ladders is sort of what I imagine hell would be like.

The final nail in the coffin was when they started asking every adult to pay a pound to come in too, as if your 5 year olds are going to come on their own!
There's a better soft play area at Leisure West in Feltham (where the Cineworld is), very cheap, next to the bowling so you can tie that in too if you want, the toddler area doesn't reek of urine, and the staff don't look like they'd rather be dead than at work (mind you I could hardly blame them working at Snakes and Ladders). It's not quite as big but my daughter and my nephew have never seemed bothered.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 09:59:00 Kath Richardson
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 10:26:00 Stephanie Kitsune
      Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 13:59:00 Bernadette Paul
      Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 15:41:00 Brendan Keogh-Smith
         Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 19:35:00 Stephanie Kitsune
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 19:38:00 Phil Andrews
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 19:49:00 Stephanie Kitsune
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 20:17:00 Richard Smith
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 08:29:00 Bernadette Paul
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 09:14:00 Justin Anderson
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 11:16:00 Stephanie Kitsune
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 12:05:00 James de Vivenot
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 12:22:00 Lena Armstrong
      Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 14:55:00 Justin Anderson
         Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 22:24:00 Karen Adams
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford26/10/09 17:08:00 Lisa Mercer
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford26/10/09 19:15:00 Ian Silver
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford26/10/09 19:18:00 Stephanie Kitsune
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford26/10/09 19:48:00 Ian Silver
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford27/10/09 16:41:00 Edmond Bramhall
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford27/10/09 21:51:00 Jim Conroy
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford28/10/09 11:07:00 Helen Martin
      Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford28/10/09 19:37:00 Claire Peleschka
         Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford29/10/09 16:43:00 Stephanie Kitsune
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford29/10/09 19:56:00 Lena Armstrong
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford04/11/09 11:31:00 Sara Ward
      Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford04/11/09 13:56:00 Philip Walsh
         Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford05/11/09 13:00:00 Kath Richardson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford05/11/09 14:19:00 Stephanie Kitsune
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford06/11/09 23:39:00 Helen Martin
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford05/11/09 14:21:00 Sara Ward
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford08/11/09 11:31:00 Ian Silver
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford06/11/09 09:41:00 Lena Armstrong

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