Forum Message

Topic: Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford
Posted by: Kath Richardson
Date/Time: 21/10/09 09:59:00

From 11am on Saturday 24 October, to celebrate the release of the Fantastic Mr Fox at the cinema, children are invited to a special day of Roald Dahl themed fiction fun at Snakes and Ladders.

Follow Fantastic Mr Fox’s Trail, enter a fabulous colouring competition, plus come dressed as your favourite Roald Dahl character & earn a special treat!

And all the extra fun is included in admission! Snakes and Ladders, Syon Park, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 8JF. T 020 8847 0946. For more information visitors can visit the website have 10 Family Tickets to give away, each admitting up to 2 Adults and 2 Children. These are valid for 6 months. In order to win one of these tickets please contribute to this thread with the Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford.

The editor (who is not eligible) will judge the entries and the decision will be final. Entries must be made by midnight Monday 26th October and the results will announced Tuesday. The names of the winners (as appears on the forum) will be published. If you've never posted on the forum before please take this opportunity.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 09:59:00 Kath Richardson
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 10:26:00 Stephanie Kitsune
      Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 13:59:00 Bernadette Paul
      Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 15:41:00 Brendan Keogh-Smith
         Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 19:35:00 Stephanie Kitsune
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 19:38:00 Phil Andrews
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 19:49:00 Stephanie Kitsune
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford21/10/09 20:17:00 Richard Smith
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 08:29:00 Bernadette Paul
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 09:14:00 Justin Anderson
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 11:16:00 Stephanie Kitsune
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 12:05:00 James de Vivenot
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 12:22:00 Lena Armstrong
      Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 14:55:00 Justin Anderson
         Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford22/10/09 22:24:00 Karen Adams
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford26/10/09 17:08:00 Lisa Mercer
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford26/10/09 19:15:00 Ian Silver
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford26/10/09 19:18:00 Stephanie Kitsune
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford26/10/09 19:48:00 Ian Silver
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford27/10/09 16:41:00 Edmond Bramhall
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford27/10/09 21:51:00 Jim Conroy
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford28/10/09 11:07:00 Helen Martin
      Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford28/10/09 19:37:00 Claire Peleschka
         Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford29/10/09 16:43:00 Stephanie Kitsune
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford29/10/09 19:56:00 Lena Armstrong
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford04/11/09 11:31:00 Sara Ward
      Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford04/11/09 13:56:00 Philip Walsh
         Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford05/11/09 13:00:00 Kath Richardson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford05/11/09 14:19:00 Stephanie Kitsune
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford06/11/09 23:39:00 Helen Martin
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford05/11/09 14:21:00 Sara Ward
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford08/11/09 11:31:00 Ian Silver
   Re:Best and Worst places to visit with kids in Brentford06/11/09 09:41:00 Lena Armstrong

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