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Topic: Has the government's Covid strategy actually worked?
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Posted by: Jeremy Parkinson
Date/Time: 15/11/21 11:22:00

Looking at the news this morning to see that the Netherlands is on the brink of another lockdown and Austria are about to lock up the unvaccinated, is it time to consider this government might actually have done something right?

Our own Covid numbers remain high but are not increasing despite schools being back and the approach of winter. Certainly the government appears to have had a bit of luck with the unseasonably mild weather but, at this stage, it looks like the inevitable surge around Christmas might just be manageable (through the continuing heroic efforts of NHS staff).

If the strategy is working, the chances are that credit should go to Sajid Javid one of the few remaining cabinet ministers of any competence. His failed bid to be Tory leader did suggest that he lacks the polish to be the next Prime Minister but we could do a lot worse.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Has the government's Covid strategy actually worked?15/11/21 11:22:00 Jeremy Parkinson
   Re:Has the government's Covid strategy actually worked?16/11/21 15:37:00 Phil Andrews

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