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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'
Posted by: Alison Robins
Date/Time: 08/08/20 11:33:00

The whole road system is now being skewed towards cyclists and vast amounts of money must have been spent doing this.  And yet they remain completely unaccountable for their actions - and they know it.
I have been sworn at, spat at, been hit while walking on the pavement, had cyclists deliberately ride at me on the pavement and had my car scraped (because cyclists have to get through any gap, however small) and banged on (because the cyclist wanted me to move into the opposite carriageway so he could pass on the nearside; actually that's happened more than once).  That's as well as all the stuff about going through red lights, not having lights at night and generally displaying zero road sense. There also seems to be an increasing tendency to text'n'cycle - sometimes with no hands on the handlebars.
The reply always comes back that there are bad drivers too - as if that makes bad cyclists OK. Yes, there are bad drivers - but the difference is that someone can always get their number or it will be caught on camera.
The time has come to make cyclists responsible and accountable so that there is a level playing field for all road users - but quite how that's done is another matter.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'06/08/20 19:39:00 Bernard Allen
   Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'06/08/20 22:49:00 N V Brooks
      Re:Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'06/08/20 23:59:00 Bernard Allen
         Re:Re:Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'07/08/20 09:36:00 Paul Scullion
            Re:Re:Re:Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'07/08/20 11:42:00 Vanessa Smith
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'08/08/20 08:23:00 Elizabeth Price
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'08/08/20 11:33:00 Alison Robins
                     Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'16/08/20 13:04:00 Philippa Bond
                        Re:Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'21/08/20 16:10:00 Philip Baker
                           Re:Re:Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'21/08/20 23:55:00 Bernard Allen
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'22/08/20 08:32:00 Raymond Havelock
                                 London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'22/08/20 11:12:00 Bernard Allen
                                    Re:London's pop-up cycle lanes 'stopping disabled travel'22/08/20 16:58:00 Philippa Bond

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