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Topic: Extension of bus N9 to airport 24 hours
Posted by: Philip Weaver
Date/Time: 11/11/12 10:38:00

As a more elderly resident of Kew Bridge road, when I have a lot of baggage to go to LHR, I have to resort to a taxi! However if the bus N9 could be made a 24 hour bus, those of us who live on it's route would be able to get to the airport with ease and not have to change to two buses or the rail. All of our local rail have only stairs to access the platforms so it becomes very difficult unless one is travelling light. With the advent over the next couple of years of the big residential developments now in progress there will be several thousand new residents on this bus route. Now would be the time, taking into account that it could take two years for TFL to implement any changes to a bus route to start campaigning  to have the N9 become just another 24 hour bus. If your interested in supporting this please write to TFL and suggest it. It needs support from the local residents. (See )

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Extension of bus N9 to airport 24 hours11/11/12 10:38:00 Philip Weaver
   Re:Extension of bus N9 to airport 24 hours11/11/12 10:43:00 Anthony Waller
      Re:Re:Extension of bus N9 to airport 24 hours11/11/12 22:05:00 Philip Weaver
         Re:Re:Re:Extension of bus N9 to airport 24 hours12/11/12 13:02:00 John Connelly
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Extension of bus N9 to airport 24 hours12/11/12 17:10:00 Anthony Waller
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Extension of bus N9 to airport 24 hours12/11/12 20:33:00 Philip Weaver
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Extension of bus N9 to airport 24 hours12/11/12 21:36:00 Michael Brandt

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