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Topic: Tate Hindle/Invista:- Massive Development Plans for Chiswick High Road / Sainsburys
Posted by: Natasha Manganaro
Date/Time: 12/03/12 13:43:00

On ChiswickW4 website, there is an article about planned huge development involving Sainsburys on Chiswick High Road.  See also the Chiswick forum postings "Developing this part of CHR..."

I would also like to point out that this is the same land agents & architect partnership (Invista & Tate Hindle) that are trying to build the Reynard Mills tower blocks off Windmill Road on Brentford/Ealing borders that we all should already know about. When I saw this architect's impression image this morning, I had a bad feeling of déja vue.

In short, the plans are to demolish Sainsburys and rebuild with shopfront on the high road facing Turnham Green Church & Green. Huge glass personality-void monstrosity - same as so many other high streets, Croydon was mentioned on the Chiswick forum!  And where the car park currently stands, there are plans for housing and, yes tower blocks! And where are the Sainsbury's shoppers meant to park?

Why do Invista want to build tower blocks everywhere? 

Where is the community consultation?

and finally .... I bet this is only outline planning with the view of selling on the land once planning is approved, to a developer for big bucks?   But nothing to be found on Hounslows website yet?

Its all about money - nothing is ever done for the "best of the community".  I am fairly sure that current Chiswick residents would not like their high road to look every other high street. Here we go again.....

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Tate Hindle/Invista:- Massive Development Plans for Chiswick High Road / Sainsburys12/03/12 13:43:00 Natasha Manganaro
   Re:Tate Hindle/Invista:- Massive Development Plans for Chiswick High Road / Sainsburys12/03/12 15:36:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:Tate Hindle/Invista:- Massive Development Plans for Chiswick High Road / Sainsburys13/03/12 22:05:00 Liz Price
         Re:Re:Re:Tate Hindle/Invista:- Massive Development Plans for Chiswick High Road / Sainsburys14/03/12 18:49:00 Michael Brandt

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