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Topic: Does anyone know anything about antique porcelain?
Posted by: Ian Silver
Date/Time: 05/09/11 14:24:00

I have been looking after an old coffee service since my mum died and she inherited it from her father. He brought it back from Russia at the beginning of the 1900s and it was supposed to have come from a royal household.
It has lived in a straw filled box for as long as I can remember!
Anyway, I am posting some pictures in the hope that someone can tell me anything about it.
It is not the kind of thing I would use and I live in a tip so wouldn't have it out on display - but it is rather charming.....


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Does anyone know anything about antique porcelain?05/09/11 14:24:00 Ian Silver
   Re:Does anyone know anything about antique porcelain?05/09/11 14:29:00 Ian Silver
      Re:Re:Does anyone know anything about antique porcelain?05/09/11 16:21:00 A Healy
         Re:Re:Re:Does anyone know anything about antique porcelain?05/09/11 18:42:00 Jane Masri
         Re:Re:Re:Does anyone know anything about antique porcelain?05/09/11 18:45:00 Jane Masri
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Does anyone know anything about antique porcelain?07/09/11 09:26:00 Ian Silver

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