Forum Message

Topic: Re:Adoption Records 1940's
Posted by: Rachel Martin
Date/Time: 14/06/11 08:11:00

I would recommend contacting Hounslow Council Adoption Service - they are so helpful and you need a social worker to get the file for you.  Good luck with your search.  It worked for me.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Adoption Records 1940's08/06/11 20:27:00 Marie Richardson
   Re:Adoption Records 1940's09/06/11 16:20:00 Penny Crocker
   Re:Adoption Records 1940's09/06/11 17:19:00 Sue Iriarte
   Re:Adoption Records 1940's10/06/11 14:58:00 Hazel Dakers
   Re:Adoption Records 1940's14/06/11 08:10:00 Rachel Martin
   Re:Adoption Records 1940's14/06/11 08:11:00 Rachel Martin

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