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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:High Tide
Posted by: Jim Lawes
Date/Time: 21/10/10 23:51:00

Belatedly, thanks for those pictures Keith. Much appreciated
and I know how long they take to sort out before posting here

Quite a sight..high tides..and years ago, before the Thames  Barrier and all, there would have been plenty

So those folk on Eel Pie Island at Twickenham (Steve Allenland! )
would be marooned for a while...even with the bridge there.

No doubt some cars got soaked too.. the owners not heeding Richard Jenning's statistical charts!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
High Tide07/10/10 20:37:00 Kevin Farnan
   Re:High Tide07/10/10 20:39:00 Kevin Farnan
      Re:Re:High Tide07/10/10 20:40:00 Kevin Farnan
         Re:Re:Re:High Tide07/10/10 20:43:00 Kevin Farnan
            Re:Re:Re:Re:High Tide21/10/10 23:51:00 Jim Lawes
            Re:Re:Re:Re:High Tide22/10/10 00:59:00 Audrey Walton
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:High Tide06/11/10 19:35:00 Jim Lawes

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