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Topic: A "THUMBS UP" for the Musical Museum, Brentford
Posted by: Jim Lawes
Date/Time: 20/08/24 22:32:00

I hadn't been to the London Musical Museum in Brentford for some years
for various reasons ...

but the other day I attended there for a personal recording session (to do with local history etc).

I was so impressed with the new lay- out of the exhibition areas, the entrance foyer ... and features in the corridors ... that I thought I should give them a little promotion.

Spotlights and attractive displays gave a positive vibe.

It was all so uplifting  and one congratulates the interior designer who planned the changes.

Previously called the Piano Museum
which was based at St Georges Church under the baton of Frank Holland RIP, the London Musical Museum requires a brighter future.

The Museum is open on 3 days only.

The 1st floor café is open
10am - 4pm on those days and it is FREE to visit.

take place at:
10.30am,12.30pm & 2.30pm.
Costing £7.50 for locals.
(See website for other folk)

I'm trying to establish whether one can tour the Museum for free ... if one is without the Guide.

The various displays of GIFTS on sale caught my eye ...
eg vinyl LP records of organists
costing only £2.50.

There are areas for private functions, tea dances, silent film shows and more.

WE must use it or lose it!
The Museum needs funds to survive.

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