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Topic: Re:Re:Brentford Canal Festival - visits to St. Lawrence's Church
Posted by: Jim Lawes
Date/Time: 22/06/24 18:52:00

What a very successful and memorable Brentford Canal Festival today.

Luckily the weather was fine.

The Market Place seemed packed during the series of events with members of the public joining in the dancing!

Bradshaw Yard was busy too and there were throngs around the Workhouse Dock.

Ferry Quays was treated to music too
which I much enjoyed. At Lot's Ait one was able to nose around the many areas of their boatbuilding and related activity.

And there was more ...which I didn't manage to visit.

Most important is a big thanks to the organisers and volunteer helpers.
You all did Brentford proud.

Many folk will be returning home very happy ... and that's a good thing.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Brentford Canal Festival - visits to St. Lawrence's Church20/06/24 11:46:00 Jim Storrar
   Re:Brentford Canal Festival - visits to St. Lawrence's Church20/06/24 18:12:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:Brentford Canal Festival - visits to St. Lawrence's Church22/06/24 18:52:00 Jim Lawes
         Re:Re:Re:Brentford Canal Festival - visits to St. Lawrence's Church25/06/24 13:08:00 Mari Austin

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