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Topic: Re:Gillette Clock - scaffolding
Posted by: Richard Atterwill
Date/Time: 09/06/24 10:13:00

Does anybody know the actual reason why the Gillette clock still has scaffolding around its Clo face. Yes I have asked this question previously but nobody has been able to come with the answer

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Gillette Clock - scaffolding 30/04/24 19:35:00 Richard Atterwill
   Re:Gillette Clock - scaffolding 30/04/24 23:45:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:Gillette Clock - scaffolding 01/05/24 10:37:00 Richard Atterwill
         Re:Re:Re:Gillette Clock - scaffolding 01/05/24 17:58:00 Keith Iddon
   Re:Gillette Clock - scaffolding 09/06/24 10:13:00 Richard Atterwill

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