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Topic: Re:Rainbows/Brownies evicted from Ealing Road Baptist Church after 40yrs
Posted by: Alison Robins
Date/Time: 18/11/23 09:19:00

That is a real shame - used to love Brownies, and then Guides, as a kid. Seems to be very un-Christian behaviour on the part of the church!

Have they tried either St Paul's or St Faith's churches?  Both say they welcome community groups.  Is there a local Scout group?  Could the Brownies share their meeting-place?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Rainbows/Brownies evicted from Ealing Road Baptist Church after 40yrs 17/11/23 23:02:00 Susan Baker-Brian
   Re:Rainbows/Brownies evicted from Ealing Road Baptist Church after 40yrs 18/11/23 09:19:00 Alison Robins
      Re:Re:Rainbows/Brownies evicted from Ealing Road Baptist Church after 40yrs 18/11/23 09:26:00 Alison Robins
         Re:Re:Re:Rainbows/Brownies evicted from Ealing Road Baptist Church after 40yrs 18/11/23 11:37:00 Jim Lawes
         Re:Re:Re:Rainbows/Brownies evicted from Ealing Road Baptist Church after 40yrs 20/11/23 05:52:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:Rainbows/Brownies evicted from Ealing Road Baptist Church after 40yrs 18/11/23 14:35:00 Justin Treadwell
   Re:Rainbows/Brownies evicted from Ealing Road Baptist Church after 40yrs 19/11/23 08:36:00 Anne England
      Re:Re:Rainbows/Brownies evicted from Ealing Road Baptist Church after 40yrs 19/11/23 12:25:00 N V Brooks
   Re:Rainbows/Brownies evicted from Ealing Road Baptist Church after 40yrs 24/11/23 23:20:00 Peter Carey
      Re:Re:Rainbows/Brownies evicted from Ealing Road Baptist Church after 40yrs 29/11/23 19:38:00 Michael Adams

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