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Topic: Re:Scout bazaar - Saturday 11th November - Isleworth & Syon School  TW7 5LJ - doors open 1pm
Posted by: Sarah Felstead
Date/Time: 08/11/23 01:01:00

This is quite a community event and you are likely to bump into neighbours.
A number of years ago a certain Jim lawes was seen with a car boot full of records after having a cup of tea with people he knew…
A couple of times we were helping out and I got used to the guy who came in wearing scruffy trainers who put on some different ones and wandered off in them, leaving the (very) old ones behind.  The scruffy ones were probably the ones he pinched the previous year.  He only took one pair and wore them as he went off.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Scout bazaar - Saturday 11th November - Isleworth & Syon School  TW7 5LJ - doors open 1pm01/11/23 11:51:00 Sarah Felstead
   Re:Scout bazaar - Saturday 11th November - Isleworth & Syon School  TW7 5LJ - doors open 1pm04/11/23 20:02:00 Sarah Felstead
   Re:Scout bazaar - Saturday 11th November - Isleworth & Syon School  TW7 5LJ - doors open 1pm08/11/23 01:01:00 Sarah Felstead
   Scout bazaar - TODAY - Isleworth & Syon School  TW7 5LJ - doors open 1pm11/11/23 04:33:00 Sarah Felstead
      Re:Scout bazaar - TODAY - Isleworth & Syon School  TW7 5LJ - doors open 1pm11/11/23 16:17:00 Keith Iddon

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