Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:Lot's Ait, Brentford,
Posted by: Guy Lambert
Date/Time: 08/09/23 22:59:00

A friend of mine (who was a barge man and businessman) thought of buying it back then - 30 odd years ago - but thought better of it because quite a lot of it was (and I guess still is) a nature reserve.
I'd say the prospects of building anything on it are pretty well zero - I remember us visiting several years ago about a plan to improve one of the semi-derelict sheds which I think were approved.
The most informative planning application I can find is this one
The most informative paragraph is this:
Several trees with TPOs are located around the edges of the Ait. The Ait is
designated as a Nature Conservation Area within the adopted UDP, is within
the Brentford Town Centre boundary and is designated within the Thames
Policy Area. The site falls within Development Site Policy RR1 of the BAAP
(Ferry Wharf, Point Wharf, Goat Wharf and Soap House Creek) and is
designated for water-related activities. The site is within Flood Zone 3b,
functional floodplain, of the Council’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Lot's Ait, Brentford, 04/09/23 14:48:00 Jim Lawes
   Re:Lot's Ait, Brentford, 04/09/23 14:56:00 Anne England
      Re:Re:Lot's Ait, Brentford, 08/09/23 16:32:00 Bryan Betts
         Re:Re:Re:Lot's Ait, Brentford, 08/09/23 22:59:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:Lot's Ait, Brentford, 08/09/23 22:52:00 Barry Jacques
      Re:Re:Lot's Ait, Brentford, 12/09/23 16:47:00 Jim Lawes

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