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Topic: Re:Re:Re:What's happened to democracy in Hounslow?
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 10/05/23 16:37:00

The constitution means nowt...unless it's useful for a means to an end.

Hounslow, Brent and Ealing are no strangers to bending the rules and all parties have done it over the last few decades.

But there is supposed to be a full time officer who enforces protocol, but like other officers they seem to be deft at avoiding the issues by suddenly being on leave, on a course or on other 'pressing' matters.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
What's happened to democracy in Hounslow?10/05/23 11:05:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:What's happened to democracy in Hounslow?10/05/23 11:58:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:What's happened to democracy in Hounslow?10/05/23 12:39:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:What's happened to democracy in Hounslow?10/05/23 16:37:00 Raymond Havelock

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