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Topic: Re:Re:Living in a flat/high rise
Posted by: Philippa Bond
Date/Time: 17/07/22 21:58:00

I think a lot of it is just enabling the developers to make a lot of money to the detriment of the community.  It would be great for their to be allotment provision.  What has happened to the amenity space - it seems to have shrunk to a balcony and a share in a kids' playground if you are lucky and a small communal garden.

Govt pulls the strings on the London Plan which the Mayor has to develop to suit them. It gets sent back to him when there aren't enough dwellings planned.  It would definitely be good to see more of the flats in London lived in.  They are dark in the evenings.

I too know for a fact that some of these new flats are too hot and should have had air conditioning.  The costs of running this could have been mitigated by having solar panels on the roof. I fairly recently watched a webinar where a retrofitted block in West Kensington had its lifts powered by solar.

Here's something about sharing gardens I came across today: 

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Hounslow environment planning10/06/22 11:52:00 Sarah Felstead
   Re:Hounslow environment planning10/06/22 13:03:00 Vanessa Smith
      Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning11/06/22 13:15:00 Sarah Felstead
         Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning11/06/22 14:25:00 N V Brooks
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning11/06/22 16:23:00 Anne England
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning11/06/22 19:30:00 Raymond Havelock
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning11/06/22 19:32:00 Sarah Felstead
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning12/06/22 10:02:00 Raymond Havelock
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning13/06/22 10:24:00 Sue Rowe
         Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning12/06/22 11:54:00 Tim Henderson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning13/06/22 19:03:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning26/06/22 07:05:00 Sarah Felstead
   Re:Hounslow environment planning26/06/22 07:18:00 Sarah Felstead
      Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning26/06/22 10:00:00 N V Brooks
         Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning26/06/22 11:50:00 Sarah Felstead
         Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning28/06/22 19:28:00 Sarah Felstead
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning29/06/22 13:18:00 N V Brooks
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hounslow environment planning29/06/22 17:34:00 Sarah Felstead
   Living in a flat/high rise16/07/22 11:27:00 Sarah Felstead
      Re:Living in a flat/high rise17/07/22 15:15:00 Philippa Bond
      Re:Living in a flat/high rise17/07/22 15:34:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Living in a flat/high rise17/07/22 21:58:00 Philippa Bond
            Re:Re:Re:Living in a flat/high rise18/07/22 09:45:00 Peter Evans
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Living in a flat/high rise18/07/22 13:31:00 Philippa Bond

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