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Topic: Re:TFL Cycleway extension consultation
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 08/02/22 10:08:00

As the online consultation is a bit of a nightmare to access and does not ask the right questions, it might be preferable for some to do it in a more succinct way by in writing by letter or email which is permitted


If you prefer, you can email your comments to or write to us at FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY (Walking and cycling changes between Hounslow and Brentford), no stamp needed.

The closing date for comments is 16 February 2022.

Pasted below is part of the detail ( cannot get the maps to load or post here)

Just the bit from Syon to Brentford.

Note: Whilst the document refers to pedestrian islands it has changed the term for "Bus Islands" to "Bus Bypass".  Rather misleading.   They are in fact, Elongated Islands and render passengers standing close to moving traffic on both sides.  An example of which is in Chiswick High Road near the police station.

Map 11 – London Road (Teesdale Avenue/Darcy Road/Teesdale Gardens/Quakers Lane)

Teesdale Avenue, Darcy Road and Teesdale Gardens – new crossing markings and raised table to slow traffic, and give priority to cyclists and pedestrians

The Green School bus stop (westbound) would be relocated 31 metres west to enable it to be converted to a bus stop bypass

The existing 7 metre parking bay opposite no. 297 London Road to the east of Darcy Road would be converted to footpath

A Red Route loading bay to the west of Darcy Road on the southern side would also be removed

Section 4 – Syon Park (maps 12-15)

Map 12 – London Road (Spur Road/Twickenham Road)

Further detailed work is required on the designs at this location but our the aim is to:

improve cycle links between London Road, Twickenham Road and Spur Road

improve pedestrian crossings

provide an additional loading bay and motorcycle bay

At this stage, we propose that the Green School bus stop (eastbound) would be moved around 45 metres east to enable it to be converted into a bus stop bypass


Map 13 – London Road (Lodge Close/Epworth Road/Syon Lane/Abbey Mews)

Lodge Close and Syon Lane – new crossing markings and raised tables to slow traffic, and give priority to cyclists and pedestrians

Busch Corner bus stop (westbound) converted to bus stop bypass

Syon Lane bus stop (eastbound) converted to bus stop bypass

Epworth Road would be closed to create a new pedestrian space. Motor

vehicles can still access the road via Syon Lane

Map 14 – London Road (Rowan Road/Beech Avenue)

Rowan Road and Beech Avenue – new crossing markings and raised table to slow traffic, and give priority to cyclists and pedestrians

Syon Lane bus stop (westbound) moved further west by around 23 metres to enable it to be converted to a bus stop bypass

Beech Avenue bus stop (eastbound) would be removed as there is not enough room for a bus stop bypass without removing several mature trees

Map 15 – London Road (Half Moon Close/Field Lane Road/Teesdale Gardens)

A safer cycle link to Half Moon Close would be provided via a modified Toucan crossing and shared use footway

Field Lane, Half Moon Lane, Brent Lea and other side roads – new crossing markings and raised tables to slow traffic, and give priority to cyclists and pedestrians

Brent Lea bus stop (westbound) would be converted to a bus stop bypass

Brent Lea bus stop (eastbound) would be moved 56 metres east to enable it

to be converted to a bus stop bypass

Section 5 – Brentford High Street (maps 16-18)

Map 16 – Brentford High Street (Commerce Road/The Ham/Augustus Close/Tallow Road)

A safer cycle link to Commerce Road would be provided via a shared use path for both pedestrians and cyclists, and a Toucan crossing across the High Street. The ‘staggered’ (two-stage) pedestrian crossing across Commerce Road would be improved to become a ‘straight across’ Toucan crossing

The Ham – a new junction with traffic lights would be implemented by Ballymore as part of their development. This new signalised junction would have improvements for cyclists

Augustus Close and Tallow Road – new crossing markings and raised tables to slow traffic, and give priority to cyclists and pedestrians. The pavement at Augustus Close would be widened. The traffic lights at Tallow Road would be changed to give priority to cyclists ahead of motor vehicles

The loading bay on the northern side of the High Street to the west of Tallow Road would be moved 27 metres east


Map 17 – Brentford High Street (Market Place/Half Acre/Dock Road)

Market Place – new crossing markings and raised table to slow traffic, and give priority to cyclists and pedestrians

The pedestrian crossing to the east of Market Place would be moved 10 metres west to allow more room for the Market Place bus stop (westbound)

Pavements would be widened along the southern side of the high street

Wider pedestrian crossings would be introduced at the Half Acre junction to

improve pedestrian safety

Dock Road entrance – new crossing markings and raised table to slow traffic,

and give priority to cyclists and pedestrians

The Market Place bus stop (westbound) would be moved 25 metres west to

enable it to be converted to a bus stop bypass

An existing loading bay on the southern side of the high street would be

moved 19 metres west to make room for the cycle track

21 metres of parking bays would be moved from the southern to the northern

footway, prior to the Market Place bus stop. This is because there would not be enough space for them with a westbound cycle track

Map 18 – Brentford High Street (Alexandra Road)

The cycle lane would link to an existing cycle lane further east (Cycleway 9 Brentford to Olympia which went out to public consultation in 2017)

Note - access to driveways and residential developments along the main road would be maintained

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
TFL Cycleway extension consultation07/02/22 14:45:00 Raymond Havelock
   Re:TFL Cycleway extension consultation08/02/22 10:08:00 Raymond Havelock

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