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Topic: Re:Re:Spotted on Facebook  -continued
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 05/02/22 13:13:00

It's more to do with this unacceptable culture that has been allowed to propagate and is not unique to any one borough.

The junkets to Cannes are exactly the same.

The brokering of done deals by Regeneration and Development executives ( who are not elected and seem to forget that are Public Servants) who then scuttle off and take big salary directorships and posts inside development corporations is equally, if not more concerning.  Elected people are either used or led up the garden path, preyed upon even. Like the Pied Piper.

Other organisations just like this are active in the same way and one or two have even had Councillors in their employ. I believe they did at least declare conflict of interests.

Worst of all this is that local people and communities get sidelined and end up as mere tokens when it comes to planning issues in particular. Consultants and legal manoeuvres plus resources leave the balance somewhat askew.

But core of this is the fact that it is sort of allowed even if not really morally acceptable practice.

It needs reform.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Spotted on Facebook04/02/22 15:14:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:Spotted on Facebook  -continued05/02/22 10:26:00 Vanessa Smith
      Re:Re:Spotted on Facebook  -continued05/02/22 13:13:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:Spotted on Facebook  -continued09/02/22 14:51:00 Vanessa Smith

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