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Topic: Re:Is there any alternative?
Posted by: N V Brooks
Date/Time: 16/11/21 18:03:00

The alternative honestly is to hold your nose and vote Tory. Separate local for national politics and recognise the fact that Tory local authorities tend to be far, far better run than those under labour control. By all means vote Labour in national elections but locally Tory, really it is the only answer to resolving a lot of the problems created by Labour over the last decade or so.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Is there any alternative?16/11/21 17:39:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:Is there any alternative?16/11/21 18:03:00 N V Brooks
      Re:Re:Is there any alternative?16/11/21 18:14:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:Is there any alternative?16/11/21 21:01:00 Raymond Havelock
   Re:Is there any alternative?17/11/21 09:17:00 Graham Thorpe
      Re:Re:Is there any alternative?17/11/21 14:22:00 Vanessa Smith

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