Forum Message

Topic: Hounslow - Masters of the Pothole
Posted by: Mike Paterson
Date/Time: 13/06/21 12:09:00

Hearty congratulations to LBH for scooping the hotly-contested and prestigious Best at London Potholes award for 2021. Following the Bees' promotion to the Premier League, there is no prouder Hounslow resident than me.

Our forward-thinking leaders have already taken steps to retain the trophy through the widespread implementations of LTNs to ensure our public roads require a minimum of maintenance in the future. So little, in fact, that it's rumoured that LBH will be hiring out the council's electric 'steam' rollers to rival boroughs in the spirit of keeping a level playing field.

Well done Hounslow!

More on this story, where Cllr Guy Lambert is seen speaking to a giant.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Hounslow - Masters of the Pothole13/06/21 12:09:00 Mike Paterson
   Re:Hounslow - Masters of the Pothole13/06/21 19:45:00 Anne England
      Re:Re:Hounslow - Masters of the Pothole15/06/21 08:53:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:Hounslow - Masters of the Pothole16/06/21 07:04:00 Mike Paterson

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