Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Brentford North Suds
Posted by: Trevor Lockie
Date/Time: 26/03/21 17:18:00

I can sort of see the argument that replacing the drains would just push the problem further downstream; maybe there is some merit in trying to stop so much rainwater entering the sewer system so quickly?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Brentford North Suds24/03/21 12:07:00 Robert Ayres
   Re:Brentford North Suds26/03/21 08:32:00 Nicholas Beard
      Re:Re:Brentford North Suds26/03/21 16:30:00 Graham Thorpe
      Re:Re:Brentford North Suds26/03/21 17:18:00 Trevor Lockie

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