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Topic: Well Done Linda Massey
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 03/09/20 09:23:00

Nice to see a bit on TW8 by Linda Massey, Don't know her but know of her.

She has put in some great effort and the Brentford Show has been really good.

Funnily enough I think it has been far better in Blondin Park than when in Boston Manor.

The Bus and Car rally was really good addition giving a break from the slightly top heavy plethora of activist groups with a political slant which has dominated a bit.

The local groups doing stuff that is an antidote to all this stuff and nonsense we have to endure is though, brilliant and needs far more support and prominence. 
Does not matter if it's Knitting Circles, Am Drams, Model Engineering, Table Tennis or Bowls Clubs, Mountain Biking or Cake Baking et all, it really is what Leisure and pleasure is all about and this showcase driven by Lindas efforts shows that there is a community locally that hangs in there despite the odds stacked against them all.

So Well done Linda and team and let's hope next year sees Brentford/ Boston Manor and it's Northern Neighbour return as undivided and thriving.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Well Done Linda Massey03/09/20 09:23:00 Raymond Havelock
   Re:Well Done Linda Massey08/09/20 11:35:00 Mari Austin
   Re:Well Done Linda Massey03/09/20 12:52:00 Joan Adamson
      Re:Re:Well Done Linda Massey05/09/20 08:55:00 Paul Franklin
   Re:Well Done Linda Massey05/09/20 09:31:00 Mike Paterson
      Re:Re:Well Done Linda Massey05/09/20 20:57:00 Maria Babiak
         Re:Re:Re:Well Done Linda Massey07/09/20 20:53:00 Jim Lawes
   Re:Well Done Linda Massey08/09/20 11:36:00 Mari Austin
      Re:Re:Well Done Linda Massey08/09/20 20:58:00 N V Brooks
   Re:Well Done Linda Massey18/09/20 15:07:00 Linda Massey
      Re:Re:Well Done Linda Massey18/09/20 22:12:00 Guy Lambert

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