Forum Message

Topic: Skip in disabled bay Clayponds Gardens
Posted by: Bernard Allen
Date/Time: 01/07/20 23:02:00

What bright spark has dumped an empty skip in a disabled bay in Clayponds Gardens.

The driver of the car that normally parks in this disabled bay, could not find anywhere near to park and had to park a long way away.

The driver then found they were unable to walk the distance back to their home so had to phone for assistance for someone to help get them back to the flat.

The skip has been put there today the 1st July by someone who seems to be working on the road.

I don’t know the right person to contact in Hounslow council, so if anyone had any ideas can they private message me through this site please. 

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Skip in disabled bay Clayponds Gardens01/07/20 23:02:00 Bernard Allen
   Re:Skip in disabled bay Clayponds Gardens02/07/20 08:27:00 Susan Kelly
      Re:Re:Skip in disabled bay Clayponds Gardens02/07/20 09:51:00 Peter Evans
         Re:Re:Re:Skip in disabled bay Clayponds Gardens02/07/20 10:40:00 Gill Hutchison
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Skip in disabled bay Clayponds Gardens02/07/20 10:48:00 Pat Kingham
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Skip in disabled bay Clayponds Gardens02/07/20 11:06:00 Bernard Allen
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Skip in disabled bay Clayponds Gardens02/07/20 11:29:00 Bernard Allen
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Skip in disabled bay Clayponds Gardens02/07/20 13:50:00 Anne England

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