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Topic: Re:Fire Safety Bill now being debated in the House of Commons
Posted by: Philippa Bond
Date/Time: 02/05/20 21:41:00

Things changed and building control has effectively been privatised perhaps losing clear independence.

Many MPs were speaking on this relating the problems with particular buildings in their constituencies that they had been advised about and the problems their constituents had being unable to sell, being unable to get a mortgage, being unable to get the freeholders to organise repairs and just so much more.  We heard about the Grenfell fire and different types of cladding. There is a problem with testing materials.

There has been a call for a national testing facility - before privatisation we used to have one.  Some things need to stay under independent government regulation.  Would you want Boeing to regulate its own plane defects or Volkswagen to regulate its own diesel emissions?

Houses in Multiple Occupation need to be made safe for the occupants.

There was so much in this debate that we have seen to be necessary for the safety of residents.  References to Coroner's recommendations on past fires where no action had been taken etc.

There were calls for the Fire Brigade to be better financed.

It was a really interesting debate.

Here's Hansard:

and here are the highlights (not sure quite what!) of yesterday if you want to see/hear it:

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Fire Safety Bill now being debated in the House of Commons29/04/20 18:14:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:Fire Safety Bill now being debated in the House of Commons02/05/20 21:41:00 Philippa Bond

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