Forum Message

Topic: Line Dancing for Older People starts February 3rd
Posted by: David Lovegrove
Date/Time: 30/01/20 17:32:00

Age Concern Chiswick is offering a weekly series of line dancing sessions beginning Monday February 3rd at 10:30am.  This activity is open to any older person - not just our Members.  Ring 020 8742 7007 to reserve a place - the cost is £5 per session.

ACC's remit is to help older people in Chiswick and Brentford.  Our address is :-

The Friendship Club
Oxford Road North
Chiswick W4 4DN

We are at the end of a short driveway behind a block of flats called Carfax Court.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Line Dancing for Older People starts February 3rd30/01/20 17:32:00 David Lovegrove
   Re:Line Dancing for Older People starts February 3rd13/02/20 11:15:00 Philippa Bond

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