Forum Message

Topic: Re:There's none so blind.
Posted by: David Squire
Date/Time: 22/09/19 13:55:00

I was at Hounslow House on the night of the Planning meeting.I was there for a forum meeting but was shocked on two points. One was the protesters in the foyer of Hounslow House moving women into a seperate queue from the men. Later when I found out the granting of the site for an Islamic Prayer center beggars all. Do the officers who voted this in know where the building is? On a mini roundabout traffic weather for an Islamic center or a school traffic for locals will be a nightmare.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
There's none so blind.13/09/19 11:53:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:There's none so blind.22/09/19 13:55:00 David Squire
      Re:Re:There's none so blind.22/09/19 15:35:00 Keith Iddon
      Re:Re:There's none so blind.23/09/19 12:09:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:There's none so blind.01/10/19 13:41:00 Steve Taylor
      Re:Re:There's none so blind.03/10/19 15:31:00 Andy Riley
         Re:Re:Re:There's none so blind.04/10/19 11:16:00 David Squire
            Re:Re:Re:Re:There's none so blind.04/10/19 12:47:00 Vanessa Smith

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