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Topic: Now where have we heard this before?
Posted by: Vanessa Smith
Date/Time: 16/01/18 14:13:00

Piece in last night's 'Evening Standard' regarding Hackney council wanting to close some small roads they claim are being used as 'rat runs'. Problem is that local parents claim that re-routing the traffic away also puts it and the pollution outside several local primary schools to an unacceptable level. Also the council - and really can you imagine this - are being accused of running 'a flawed consultation. just fancy!Even more weird one of the roads is - Church St.! As with us here - the council are making disingenuous statements about "any increase (in traffic flows) would be minimal". Oh - and they reckon closing roads was a 'tried and tested way of encouraging more walking and cycling' and added "We expect air pollution levels around the school to improve over the next year". Ye Gods, what is it with local councillors wherever they may be, that they think they know better than the people they promised to represent?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Now where have we heard this before?16/01/18 14:13:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:Now where have we heard this before?16/01/18 14:31:00 Paul Fisher
      Re:Re:Now where have we heard this before?17/01/18 06:37:00 Nicholas Beard
         Re:Re:Re:Now where have we heard this before?17/01/18 08:16:00 Paul Fisher

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