Forum Message

Topic: Energy boost on Monday
Posted by: Chris Edwards
Date/Time: 09/09/17 11:14:00

Energy Therapists will be at the London Buddhist Vihara, The Avenue, W4 1UD on Monday, 11th September, between 11am and 1pm (last session 12.45). 

The session takes about 15-20 minutes and I am sure that you will feel really good at the end of that time, with lots of vital energy to enable you to enjoy the rest of your week! 

A number of therapists come in each month and give their services free.  The Vihara kindly allow us to use the hall at no charge so a donation is most welcome as this enables us to give the donations to the Vihara.

These sessions are not related to any religion, everyone is welcome.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Energy boost on Monday09/09/17 11:14:00 Chris Edwards
   Re:Energy boost on Monday12/09/17 17:22:00 Vasken Tchengrakian

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