Forum Message

Topic: Re:Brentford Grand Union clean up - Saturday 19th August
Posted by: Keith Iddon
Date/Time: 07/08/17 11:10:00

You beat me to it Reg! Refreshments and entertainment in the town square afterward.It was a great day last time and very well organised.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Brentford Grand Union clean up - Saturday 19th August07/08/17 08:29:00 Reg Ghosh
   Re:Brentford Grand Union clean up - Saturday 19th August07/08/17 11:10:00 Keith Iddon
      Re:Re:Brentford Grand Union clean up - Saturday 19th August10/08/17 07:05:00 Emma Renton
         Re:Re:Re:Brentford Grand Union clean up - Saturday 19th August10/08/17 09:22:00 Keith Iddon

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