Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:Update
Posted by: Martin Webb
Date/Time: 26/07/16 13:48:00

I walk through St Pauls on the way to work in the early hours and regularly see people stuffing bags of rubbish into the bins.
  It's not just in the parks either. I've seen it occuring all over the place.
I've seen people crossing Burford Rd and Green dragon Lane to dump rubbish into the bins outside the tower blocks and walks on the estate.
Do people not know how to dispose of their household waste?
Are their wheelie bins always full long before bin day?
I don't know the reasons people do this but it is a very common problem and part of the reason for the overflowing bins.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Watermans' Park25/07/16 08:37:00 Jane Dickinson
   Re:Watermans' Park25/07/16 08:55:00 Paul Fisher
      Re:Re:Watermans' Park25/07/16 09:25:00 Guy Lambert
      Re:Re:Watermans' Park25/07/16 09:57:00 Jane Dickinson
         Re:Re:Re:Watermans' Park25/07/16 15:09:00 Alex Shpinkov
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Watermans' Park25/07/16 15:17:00 Paul Fisher
   Update25/07/16 13:22:00 Jane Dickinson
      Re:Update25/07/16 13:32:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Update25/07/16 15:46:00 Adam Beamish
            Re:Re:Re:Update26/07/16 13:48:00 Martin Webb
   Re:Watermans' Park26/07/16 14:37:00 Stephen Alexander
      Re:Re:Watermans' Park26/07/16 15:13:00 Sarah Felstead
         Re:Re:Re:Watermans' Park26/07/16 17:41:00 Raymond Havelock
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Watermans' Park26/07/16 20:42:00 Stephen Alexander
         Re:Re:Re:Watermans' Park26/07/16 20:37:00 Stephen Alexander
   Re:Watermans' Park26/07/16 19:44:00 Bryan Betts
      Re:Re:Watermans' Park26/07/16 20:46:00 Stephen Alexander
         Re:Re:Re:Watermans' Park26/07/16 20:47:00 Stephen Alexander
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Watermans' Park27/07/16 09:53:00 Adam Beamish
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Watermans' Park29/07/16 11:47:00 Bryan Betts

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