Forum Message

Topic: Re:Bus Route 235... Again
Posted by: Guy Lambert
Date/Time: 24/02/16 00:17:00

I found out about this today and am fuming. The head of transport and council leader are on the case and will be taking it up with TfL in the morning (head of transport may have done already).
It is utterly unacceptable for the service to be suspended. It ran perfectly well last time the barrier was damaged by stopping in Ealing Road, though for the life of me I don't see why they just don't disable the barrier if it's damaged and employ security people if necessary.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Bus Route 235... Again23/02/16 16:57:00 Angela Parker
   Re:Bus Route 235... Again24/02/16 00:17:00 Guy Lambert
      Re:Re:Bus Route 235... Again24/02/16 08:50:00 Raymond Havelock
      Re:Re:Bus Route 235... Again24/02/16 17:06:00 Angela Parker
         Re:Re:Re:Bus Route 235... Again24/02/16 18:24:00 Paul Fisher
   Re:Bus Route 235... Again29/02/16 11:03:00 Bryan Betts
      Re:Re:Bus Route 235... Again01/03/16 09:32:00 mark hammond

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