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Topic: Saturday 14th November doors open 1.45pm
Posted by: Sarah Felstead
Date/Time: 30/10/15 04:13:00

The street collections are on Saturday 7th from 9.30 am.  You can take donations directly to the scout hut on the 7th.

1st Oslerley HQ is sited along the alley beside 61 Osterley Road, between the A4 and St Mary's church, Isleworth.

Amazing what you can find at the bazaar and a great place for recycling!  I saw some children's skis one year, could be pretty handy if we get this bad winter being predicted.  We know of one of those electric trouser presses being donated this year and I have a pile of IKEA pasta plates.  I have donated some brand new IKEA garden lanterns to the tombola....

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
1st Osterley Scouts Annual bazaar23/10/15 10:36:00 Tony Richmond
   Re:1st Osterley Scouts Annual bazaar24/10/15 08:26:00 Stuart Hill
   Re:1st Osterley Scouts Annual bazaar24/10/15 20:53:00 Tim Henderson
      Re:Re:1st Osterley Scouts Annual bazaar25/10/15 23:26:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:Re:1st Osterley Scouts Annual bazaar26/10/15 19:49:00 Tony Richmond
            Saturday 14th November doors open 1.45pm30/10/15 04:13:00 Sarah Felstead
   Re:1st Osterley Scouts Annual bazaar05/11/15 14:54:00 Philippa Bond
      Re:Re:1st Osterley Scouts Annual bazaar11/11/15 11:54:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:Re:1st Osterley Scouts Annual bazaar :  Tomorrow13/11/15 15:36:00 Philippa Bond

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