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Topic: Redevelopment of Alfa Laval Building
Posted by: Eric Dicker
Date/Time: 23/09/15 22:52:00

At the invitation of Hunter Page Planning, I wandered along to the Novatel Hotel on the Great West Road this afternoon to view the public exhibition for the proposed development of the Alfa Laval (Brentford Nylon) building.
I did go with a resignation of seeing plans for more residential apartments (or another hotel) but after a very informative chat with the presenters I came away with a big grin on my face.
The whole building is going to developed by the Hyundai Motor Company as their flagship showroom and servicing centre. The Great West Road side will incorporate a three storey glass fronted showroom. Provision is being made so that all parking of cars, including visitors, will be contained within the building structure.
I understand planning permission will be applied for in about two weeks and subject to approval, the showroom will be open in 2017

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Redevelopment of Alfa Laval Building23/09/15 22:52:00 Eric Dicker
   Re:Redevelopment of Alfa Laval Building23/09/15 23:02:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:Redevelopment of Alfa Laval Building24/09/15 08:41:00 Reg Ghosh
         Re:Re:Re:Redevelopment of Alfa Laval Building24/09/15 09:05:00 James Homer
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Redevelopment of Alfa Laval Building24/09/15 12:39:00 Raymond Havelock

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